"Prior Planning, Prevents Poor Performance!"
A Wise Person!

Training Classes
Coming Classes
We offer classes for every level, and each class is kept small so everyone can get the individual attention they need. Quality training over quantity is our goal.
Firearms Familiarization
Training provides the participants time and instruction covering the most common firearms available. Course covers pistols, shotguns and rifles. We prefer participants bring the firearms they own to gain experience with the tools they have at hand. Introduction to safety and marksmanship are the focus of the training.
Foundational Pistol
Pistol centered course focuses on building a firm understanding of safety and marksmanship. Needed time will be taken to ensure each student understands how and why the concepts of proper stance, grip, sighting, trigger control and follow through affect marksmanship. By the use of live fire drills, test the students understanding of fundamental marksmanship.
Foundational Rifle
Rifle centered course focuses on building a firm understanding of safety and marksmanship. Needed time will be taken to ensure each student understands how and why the concepts of proper stance, grip, sighting, trigger control and follow through affect marksmanship. By the use of live fire drills, test the students understanding of fundamental marksmanship.
Moving With Firearms
Period of instruction focuses on safe weapons handling. Specifically while moving with the weapon. Presentation of weapon while moving. Dealing with obstacles while moving. Understanding foundational clearing tactics. Ability to apply learned skills during force on force training
Foundational Planning Getting Home
Class focuses on initial planning for getting home during an emergency. Participants will be walked through the 'What If?' of planning for making their way home during an emergency. Alternative routing, equipment, everyday carry, bail out bags and other factors will be discussed.
Custom Tailored Self Defense Class
Classes built around the needs of groups or individuals. From novice to expert, travelers to niche groups. We can tailor our instruction to fit the concerns and needs of diverse groups.
Family Emergency Planning
Participating work through the planning needed for taking care of their family in the early stages of an emergency situation. Starting with 72 hour planning, working past the minimum suggestions from FEMA and other governmental agencies. To the family being able to sustain it's self for one week or longer.
Utilizing Tools for Defense
Classes focus on the use of "tools" or weapons for defense. Knives, sticks, flexible or improvised tools are covered. Principles inherent to each type of tool stressed during training.
First Aid & CPR
Learn basic first aid for everyday situations. From bumps, "bobos", to cuts and broken bones. Learn how to treat or stabilize wounds. We also have fully qualified instructors to teach CPR. Both classes are taught by American Red Cross certified instructors and students will receive certification after the class.
Firearms Retention
Geared toward the folks who carry a firearm on daily bases. Either as required by their profession or as a responsible concealed carry permit holder. Yet recommended for anyone who owns a firearm.
Scenario Based Training
Participants are taken through situations to push their learning and skills to a higher level. By utilizing role players, training tools and simulated scenarios, participants are forced to make decisions under pressure. With the intent of taking the participant as close to "being there" as can be done, while maintaining safety.
Experienced Trainers

Corsair Trainers was started to fill a void in the knowledge we noticed when talking to friends, family and co-workers about the realities of dealing with bad situations. Our founding members want to change the situation we see around us. We want to take the skills and experience we have acquired over the years spent in the military and law enforcement to help others. May sound corny at first, but we have spent large portions of our lives dealing with predators and emergency situations. Our goal is to teach others how to deal with these situations or people. We hope we can share knowledge and experience to create one less victim of bad situations.
Our training programs are tailored to fit the needs of individuals. No prior experience in any of the subjects we cover is required. We tailor our program to fit the needs of the individual or group.
There is no pre-set, “cookie cutter” courses where “one size fits all”. We are here to assist you in reaching your goals in knowledge and abilities. After we have an idea of what the individual is looking for, we discuss options for each person and tailor any training, equipment purchases or planning to their needs and unique circumstances.
If we are unable to provide a person with the information or skill set they are searching for, we are more than willing to guide a person in the direction of someone else or another group which might be able to provide what it is the individual is looking for. We do not profess to have the answer or knowledge for every situation or person.