All of the instructors at Corsair Trainers are highly qualified in their field of expertise. More importantly ALL of the instructors have real world experience. None of what we do is theory to us. We teach skills and principles we ourselves have had to rely on to keep ourselves safe in the real world.
John Carp
Officer John Carp has almost 30 years of experience with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Since 1989 he has led training involving firearms, less lethal emergency response, use of force, tactical operations and high-risk operations. John has held the positions of team member, breacher, assistant team leader and team leader.
His knowledge and motivation lead to John being utilized as a lead tactical team instructor and lead firearms instructor by the agency. Prior to serving with the Department of Justice, John spent five years working for a major armored car company. Where his was utilized as a Range Master/Armorer.
Throughout his career he has authored papers on the use of firearms and applied ballistics for American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, Police One, International Association of law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, and National Tactical Officers Association. Outside of work, John has worked as a firearms coach, with students ranging first time firearms owners to seasoned law enforcement officers and members of the United States Armed Service's. He is known for his firm but gentle approach to those yet unfamiliar with firearms and tactics. Also his ability to talk your ear off concerning all things firearms.
Lieutenant Steve Broadhead, has over 20 years of experience with the Federal Bureau of Prisons in addition to 4 years served in the United States Marine Corps. Since 1989 he has led training involving firearms, use of force policy, emergency response, self-defense and high risk/specialized operations.
Lieutenant Broadhead has over 15 years’ experience as the Team Leader for the facilities tactical response team where he currently serves. In addition to 10 years experience as a Team Member. Other roles include Emergency Preparedness Officer, Special Investigation Section Supervisor, Special Housing Unit Lieutenant, Intelligence Officer, and Senior Officer Specialist. During his career Steve has testified in Federal Court as a Subject Matter Expert on Use of Force, Application of Restraints and Prison Gangs. He has also authored and served as an expert source for Corrections publications. His skill set extended to serving as an Instructor at both local and national levels. Topics taught include; Use of Force, Less than Lethal and Emergency Response. While active duty Steve served as a Primary Marksmanship at 1st Marine Division Schools. Served with Alpha Company (Raiders),1st Battalion, 4th Marines and at Marine Barracks Guam).
Outside work, Steve is a California DOJ Certified Firearms Instructor, NRA certified pistol/rifle instructor, NRA certified Range Safety Officer, certified HAM radio operator, and a martial arts instructor.
Both professionally and personally Steve is known for his no nonsense, straightforward approach and at times politically incorrect approach to training for real world situations.
Robert "Cat" Caternolo
Rob 'Cat' Caternolo has over 15 years of experience with the Federal Bureau of Prison. Officer Caternolo specializes in Emergency Management, while serving as the Safety Officer at his current duty station. Rob has 12 years’ experience as the Assistant Team Leader for the facilities tactical response team, where he currently serves. In addition to 4 years experience as a Team Member. During this time he also functioned as the teams primary medic.
Office Caternolo has led training involving firearms, use of force policy, emergency response to include NIMS/ICS, self-defense, multiple levels of first aid and high risk/specialized operations. Officer Caternolo brings a medical skill set, holding different certifications; Certified First Responder, EMT, BLS - CPR instructor and Tactical Combat Care Casualty (TCCC). Rob serves as an Instructor at both local and national levels. Instructing classes covering Use of Force, Less than Lethal Instructor, Emergency Response and is tasked with instructing new Officers during introduction phase training, as well as seasoned Officers during Annual Refresher Training.
Other roles include Environmental & Safety Compliance Administrator, Safety Compliance Specialist and Senior Officer Specialist.
While living in Upstate New York Officer Caternolo served at a local Fire Department where he learned Fire Grounds Operations, Haz-Mat, Confined Space & Search and Rescue techniques.
Outside work, Rob spends a lot of time on the road with his family at sporting events and understands the true meaning of having resources at your side for a bad day.
Juan Duenas
Juan currently serves, with 13 years’ experience, as a Senior Officer Specialist with the Bureau of Prisons. His experience includes 11 years as member of the facilities tactical team, in addition to being a firearms instructor for the agency, and an alternate Lock and Security Specialist.
During and prior to his law enforcement career Juan served as a Photojournalist with the USAF. He also was active duty Air Force where he served as a member of the Security Forces and had deployments to Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.